Don’t CA my AZ: Arizona group warns of a Democratic majority – The Time Machine

Don’t CA my AZ: Arizona group warns of a Democratic majority


(The Center Square) – As Arizona has the potential to flip to a Democratic majority this election, groups like the Arizona Free Enterprise Club are speaking out against the changes Democratic policies could make to the state, or the “Californization” of Arizona.

The Arizona Free Enterprise Club launched the “Don’t CA my AZ Campaign,” which aims to educate voters on the Democratic policies that have previously been proposed by legislators that mimic legislation currently in action in California.

“For years, we have warned about the oppressive, big-government policies of California being imported to our state,” said Aimee Yentes, Vice President of the Arizona Free Enterprise Club. “Yet, as more people escape the high crime and unaffordability of California and other blue states, Arizona’s safe, affordable, and free way of life is in jeopardy. The ‘Don’t CA my AZ’ campaign will educate residents all over the state about how they can help to keep AZ free.”

The biggest categories of bills listed on the Don’t CA my AZ website are policies related to the border, taxpayer costs and the climate.

Examples of border bills proposed by Arizona Democrats that mimic California legislation are HB 2365 which would make Arizona a “Sanctuary State” and bills that would allow illegal immigrants to be given state-issued driver’s licenses and receive subsidized medical benefits.

Another bill noted on the site would require a judge to consider the race of the accused when setting bail and release.

“Whether the race or ethnicity of the accused is one that historically has been and currently continues to be disproportionately represented in the jail population relative to the county population and whether resisting implicit bias against that race or ethnicity is necessary to avoid disparate treatment or discrimination,” reads HB 2619.

When it comes to cost-related bills, Don’t CA my AZ lists Democratic bills like HB 2360 that would create a sales tax hike to fund taxpayer’s college tuition or HCR 2036 which would require a 2/3 legislative majority to lower any taxes.

Climate-centered bills that the Arizona Free Enterprise Club is warning against include legislation that would allow cities to ban the use of plastic bags and prohibit appliances from being sold in Arizona that aren’t approved for the Environmental Protection Agency.

“The Left’s plan to make Arizona into California is dangerous for Arizonans, costly for Arizonans and oppressive for Arizonans,” reads the website.

The Center Square published a series on what a Democratic majority in the Arizona legislature would look like when it comes to education, gun control, elections and taxpayer costs.